How to Remove a Color in Photoshop

Szilard Kovacs
Last updated: 21/10/20241 min read
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Struggling to remove color in Photoshop? This article guides you through a step-by-step process using the Hue & Saturation adjustment layer, helping you achieve professional results and enhance your digital creations.

Step 1. Access the Hue & Saturation Adjustment Layer

Launch Photoshop and open the image you wish to edit. Navigate to the “Layer” menu. Select “New Adjustment Layer” and then choose “Hue/Saturation”.

Multiple windows and tools open, showcasing a complex design process.

Step 2. Select the Color to be Removed

In the Hue/Saturation dialog that appears, click on the hand icon. Use the hand tool to click on the specific color in your image that you want to remove.

A photo editing program, displaying a photo of a red shed with white walls, sitting next to another building, and the edited version appears at the bottom of the program.

Step 3. Lower the Saturation

After selecting the color, adjust the “Saturation” slider to the left to lower its intensity. Continue lowering the saturation until the color is effectively removed from your image.

A photo editing software with a photograph edited to have a colorful and vibrant sky.

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