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Take magazine-quality Milky Way photographs without fancy cameras or expensive lenses
Learn MoreThe power of night bestows many types of photography with hints of mischief, magic, and possibility… A serene landscape transforms into a magical underworld by…
By ExpertPhotography
Space holds a special place in many of our imaginations. Astrophotography is the best way to explore deep space without leaving Earth. We can see…
By Christopher Bryan-Smith
Milky Way photography can be incredibly rewarding. We’ve all gazed at the night sky in wonder, but Milky Way photography lets you capture the stars…
By Christopher Bryan-Smith
Having an app for capturing the Milky Way simplifies astrophotography significantly. They assist you in discovering the ideal mix of weather, location, stars, and timing…
By Joshua Dunlop
If you’re looking to photograph the upcoming lunar eclipse, you’ll need to make sure your camera is set up properly. Here are the best camera…
By Andrea Minoia
Mastering the 500 rule for astrophotography is crucial for achieving perfect exposure. This lets photographers capture mesmerizing night sky images with clarity and precision. You…
By Andrea Minoia
Night photography is always fun and exciting. But it can also be quite challenging, especially since different situations require techniques and settings. So how do…
By Simon Bond
It’s worth knowing how to find the Milky Way because capturing the night sky is one of the most popular types of night photography. You…
By Joshua Dunlop
Our article demonstrates the ideal settings for photographing the Milky Way to assist you in capturing stunning night images. These will help you capture the ethereal…
By Joshua Dunlop
Have you ever wondered where to showcase your astrophotography images at full resolution? Or where to get real feedback on how specific astrophotography gear performs?…
By Andrea Minoia
Photographing the night sky is not only about the Moon, planets, stars, deep sky objects, or the Milky Way. Comets and meteors are also some…
By Andrea Minoia
This is a SkyWatcher Star Adventurer review and set-up guide. It concludes our set of astrophotography articles. This is one of the most highly-regarded, affordable,…
By Andrea Minoia