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How to Make Money With Photography (12 Best Strategies 2024)

Last updated: April 26, 2024 - 11 min read
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You may be wondering how to make money with photography. Transforming photography from a hobby to a career is difficult, but several ways exist. Our article examines many of the details of making money from photography. 

Finding reliable income streams is an essential part of becoming a professional photographer. And while you won’t become a millionaire overnight, you will start to see that money rolling in. 

Before discussing pricing details, we explore some of the best revenue streams. Each section has a link in the text that takes you to a full article on that topic, so click it to learn more.

Profit from Portraits
Profit from Portraits
Transform your photography passion into a profitable business with this eBook:

  • Master a profitable photography niche to establish your brand
  • Learn to price your services for maximum profitability
  • Discover free methods to attract and keep long-term clients


How to Make Money With Photography

There are two main avenues open to professional photographers. You can sell products such as prints or specific images or provide a service, like being a wedding photographer.

Thankfully, photographers can take both paths to maximize their income. You can sell your photography services and the fruits of your photography.

The trouble is finding areas where you can make money from photography. Many folks have a camera, so you must target clients willing to pay you for your work.

This section covers the best niche markets for making money with photography. We advise selling Lightroom presets, landscape photos, and prints on Etsy. Remember to click the links to learn more.

Real Estate Photography

Getting paid to take pictures of houses is a great way to turn your love of photography into a career.

To get started, research your local market to determine the cost of real estate photography jobs in your area. Also, decide whether to work with interior designers or real estate agents.

Next, create a basic website with sample images and your contact information. Plan out your real estate photography process, including a rate sheet, contract, delivery method, and how to wrap up a project.

Connecting with potential clients is key, so attend in-person social events, spread the word about your services, and use social media to showcase your work.

As you get paid to take pictures of houses, focus on improving your skills and building a steady flow of photoshoots. With solid research, a professional process for clients, and online and in-person visibility, you’ll be well on your way to a successful real estate photography career.

get paid to take pictures of houses

Travel Photography

Becoming a travel photographer takes hard work and dedication. You need to learn various photography skills, from landscapes to portraits. Building a strong portfolio of your best travel images is key to attracting clients.

To get started, create a website or blog to showcase your work. You can also sell your images on stock photography sites or as physical prints. As you travel, look for opportunities to provide photography services to local businesses.

Most importantly, focus on capturing great travel content. The more compelling your photos are, the more people seek out your work. If you’re passionate about travel photography and willing to put in the effort, you can turn it into a successful career.

To learn more about how to become a travel photographer, check out our in-depth guide.

become a travel photographer

Stock Photography

Selling stock photos can be a reliable and steady income source for photographers. To get started, research what subjects are in demand. Then, plan your photoshoots around popular concepts like business, technology, and lifestyle.

Photograph subjects in new and unique ways to stand out from the competition. After capturing the images, ruthlessly edit them to only the best shots.

Use programs like Adobe Lightroom or Capture One to organize and process your files for optimal quality. By combining elements in Adobe Photoshop, you can even create impossible scenes.

To sell your stock photos, you can join a stock agency or market them yourself. Stock agencies handle everything from hosting to sales but take a percentage of each sale.

Marketing your photos gives you more control, but you must do more work, such as building a website, finding buyers, and handling transactions. See our in-depth article to learn more about selling stock photos.

selling stock photos

Sell Prints

Selling photography prints online is a great way to make extra money from your photos. Many websites let you sell prints, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Squarespace is a popular website platform that is easy to use and works on all devices.

Fine Art America is one of the biggest marketplaces for selling prints but has a lot of competition. Etsy is well-known for selling art and handmade items and has over 30 million buyers!

You can also sell prints through your website using plugins like Envira. Platforms like Envira, Format, Zenfolio, and SmugMug also exist. These give you more control over your sales and let you keep more profits.

Our article provides more information about selling photography prints, so click the link for more.

Easy Customization
Squarespace Custom Website Builder
Looking for a platform to make money with photography? Check out our customizable website builder. With drag-and-drop tools and eCommerce solutions, you can create a professional website to showcase and sell your work.

Sell Landscape Photos

Selling landscape photos can be a great way to make money from your photography. The key is to have a long-term plan and focus your efforts. Research how to sell your photos, such as through stock websites, prints, or commissioned assignments.

The right gear is important, but you don’t need to overspend when starting. A camera with a high-quality lens, sturdy tripod, and filters should be enough.

To get the best landscape images, shoot during early morning or late afternoon light and use a small aperture for greater depth of field.

Explore the work of photographers you admire to keep up with landscape photography trends. Promote yourself and your work through social media, email newsletters, or local trade shows.

Check out our full article if you’d like to learn more about selling landscape photos.

sell landscape photos

Sell on Etsy

Selling photos on Etsy is a great way to promote your work and earn money. You can sell physical prints, digital downloads, photography resources, or photo books. Before setting up your shop, plan and choose a creative name to represent your business.

When creating listings, upload high-quality photos that stand out. Write informative descriptions and use relevant keywords to help potential customers find your products. Set fair prices that cover your costs while remaining competitive.

Promote your Etsy shop on social media and your website to attract clients. Encourage friends and family to leave reviews to build trust with potential buyers. Selling photos on Etsy is a great way to turn your passion into profit.

Creative Marketplace
Making money with photography on Etsy can become a successful venture with dedication and time.

Sell Lightroom Presets

Selling Adobe Lightroom presets is a great way for photographers to make money. To get started, create presets that give photos a unique look. Show before-and-after photos to emphasize how easy they are to use.

Pricing presets can be tricky since they sell for a wide range. Look at other presets to find a general price range, then price your product competitively but on the high side. You can always add a discount or have a sale later.

Market your presets on social media platforms like Instagram. Post photos edited with your presets and include before and after examples.

Busy professional photographers with many photos to edit will pay for presets that save them time. Amateur photographers may also buy presets to achieve looks they can’t create independently.

Selling Lightroom presets can be a profitable way to use any photo editing skills you may have.

sell lightroom presets

Sell NFTs

NFT images are digital tokens that represent unique artwork, photographs, or animations. People buy and sell them online using cryptocurrency, usually on the Ethereum blockchain.

Photographers can turn their photos into NFTs and sell them to supplement their income. The creator keeps the copyright, but the buyer owns the original NFT. Some NFTs have sold for thousands of dollars.

Listing an NFT isn’t free, so photographers need to be confident their work will sell. To learn more about NFT images, follow the link to see the full blog post.

A photo of cryptocurrency coins for how to make money with photography


Photography Pricing Guides

Photography pricing varies depending on the type of photography, the photographer’s experience, and the client’s needs. Professional photographers typically charge $100 to $300 per hour or $75 to $350 per image in the United States.

Rates can be higher for more experienced photographers and lower for beginners. When setting your prices, it’s important to consider your operating costs. Include equipment, studio rent, software subscriptions, and travel expenses.

Pricing structures also differ based on the photography genre. Event photographers often charge hourly rates, while commercial photographers may have day rates and licensing fees.

Portrait and wedding photographers frequently offer packages with a set number of hours and photos. Photographers usually price real estate photography per listing and product photography per image.

Read our full photography pricing tutorial to ensure you’re not over-charging or losing out on earnings. We also have articles on other specific aspects of photography pricing, so keep reading to learn more.

Mini Sessions

Mini sessions are short, preset photoshoots that cost less than a full session. They’re a great way for clients to try out a photographer or get quick seasonal photos. Photographers base the most common mini-sessions on seasons, holidays, or events.

To plan a mini-session, pick a theme, location, and date. Decide how long each session will be and how many clients you’ll book. Set a price that covers your costs and leaves a profit. Require payment up-front to avoid no-shows.

Your workflow is key to a successful mini-session. Use a calendar app to avoid double-booking. Have your lighting and location ready in advance.

Decide how to process the photos and follow up with clients. Market your event through local businesses, newsletters, and social media. Click the link if you’d like to learn more about photography mini-sessions.

A woman posing in front of a yellow backdrop for a photoshoot for how to make money with photography

Portrait Pricing

Figuring out your portrait photography pricing is important when starting your business.

You must factor in all your costs, including studio space, equipment, travel fees, and taxes. This overview helps determine how much to charge per photoshoot to stay profitable.

Portrait photography has two main paths—shoot-and-burn and boutique or fine art. Shoot-and-burn photographers provide digital images only, often at a lower price point.

Boutique or fine art photographers sell prints, albums, and other high-quality products. This variety results in higher profits per session.

Consider how much you want to work and what makes your business unique. Offering special products or services can set you apart from competitors and keep clients returning.

Learning the business side of photography is also crucial for success. With proper planning and pricing, portrait studios can be very profitable in the long run. Portrait photography pricing is a key factor in building a thriving photography business.

Portrait of a woman in an office

Real Estate Pricing

Setting your real estate photography pricing can be challenging. Research your local market and competition to ensure you’re charging what your work is worth. Find out the starting rates and price range in your area.

Consider the quality of work you deliver compared to your competitors. You can charge more in expensive cities versus rural areas. Talk to clients about what they need most, such as fast turnaround times or extras like video tours.

Decide if you want to focus on quality or quantity. You can do fewer high-end shoots that require more time and editing. Or you can streamline your process to do many standard listings.

Be sure to factor in all your time and costs, including client communication, travel, gear, and post-processing. If you want to go pro, our real estate photography pricing is the best place to start.

real estate photography pricing

Print Pricing

Selling prints can be a great way to make money from photography. To get started, research what types of photos sell well as prints. They can be beautiful landscapes, iconic cityscapes, or wildlife photography.

Choose only your best images to sell as prints. Make sure they are technically perfect and free of any flaws. Consider offering limited edition prints to add extra value to your photos.

When pricing your prints, factor in all your costs, including printing, shipping, and credit card fees. Add a reasonable profit margin to determine your final print prices.

If you’d like to learn more about pricing photography prints, our article provides helpful tips and strategies to maximize your earnings.

price photography prints