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How to Change the Color of a Selection in Photoshop

Szilard Kovacs
Last updated: August 23, 2024 - 2 min read
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Mastering how to change the color of a selection in Photoshop can transform your design process. This article provides a step-by-step guide, simplifying this often daunting task. With this knowledge, you can manipulate images more effectively, enhancing creativity and productivity in your projects.

Step 1. Selection of the Desired Area

Begin by selecting the area you want to change the color of. Photoshop offers several tools for different selection types.


Step 1.1 Using the Select Subject button

This one-click solution makes it easy to choose your subject.

A pink background with a white border around the edges.

Step 1.2 Using the Quick Selection Tool

With the Quick Selection tool, click and drag over your desired area. Photoshop will automatically find and follow defined edges.

A pink background with an image editors user interface overlaying it.

Step 1.3 Using the Magic Wand Tool

The Magic Wand tool selects areas based on color and tone. Click on the color you want to select.

A Photoshop project with various tools and settings, including text selection and color palette.

Step 2. Understanding the Selection Menu

The Selection Menu, located at the top, has options for refining your selection. You can add to your selection, subtract from it, or intersect it with another selection.

A Photoshop toolbar.

Step 3. Modifying the Selection

Under “Select and Mask” in the Selection Menu, you can smooth, feather, or expand your selection for precise control.

A digital photo editing software interface showcasing color adjustments on an image.
A graphic design software program, with a close-up view of a square with a dotted line surrounding it, and a cursor tool visible in the software interface.

Step 4. Inverting the Selection

To select everything except your current selection, go to the Selection Menu and click “Inverse”.

The select menu in Photoshop.

Step 5. Saving the Selection

To save your selection for future use, go to the Selection Menu, select “Save Selection”, and give it a name.

The select menu in Photoshop.

Step 6. Loading the Selection

To load a saved selection, go to the Selection Menu, select “Load Selection”, and choose your saved selection.

A photo editing software, with a focus on adjusting the color palette and layers.

Step 7. Changing the Color of the Selection

Once your selection is ready, you can change its color using several methods.

Step 7.1 Using the Hue/Saturation Adjustment

Under “Image” -> “Adjustments”, select “Hue/Saturation”. 

Adobe Photoshop displaying options for creating a graphic or photo.

Adjust the sliders until you achieve your desired color.

A graphic design application with a color palette in use and the screen showing an image of a pink wall.

Step 7.2 Using the Color Balance Adjustment

Under “Image” -> “Adjustments”, select “Color Balance”. Adjust the sliders to change the color balance of your selection.

Adobe Photoshop displaying various color options and settings for color effects.
A graphic design program where a pink frame is being designed, with a tool window open showing various design options.

Step 7.3 Using the Replace Color Command

Under “Image” -> “Adjustments”, select “Replace Color”. Use the eyedropper to select the color you want to replace and adjust until satisfied.

A graphic design software, where users can select from various color options for text and other elements within the document.
Replace color dialog in Photoshop.

Step 8. Deselecting the Selection

Once you’re done, go to the Selection Menu and click “Deselect” to remove the selection and view your final result.

The deselect option in Photoshop.