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How to Edit a Video in Photoshop

Szilard Kovacs
Last updated: August 23, 2024 - 3 min read
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Editing a video in Photoshop can seem daunting. This article simplifies the process, offering a step-by-step guide that can enhance your video editing skills. Mastering this process can open up new creative possibilities and add a professional touch to your projects.

Step 1. Importing a Video File into Photoshop

To start editing a video in Photoshop, you first need to import your video file. Go to “File” > “Open” from the main menu, browse to your video file, select it, and click “Open”. Photoshop will load it as a layer in a new document.

An Adobe Photoshop window with the interface in German, showing a file with a variety of layers and settings.

Step 2. Converting Video Layer into a Smart Object

Converting your video layer into a Smart Object allows you to apply non-destructive edits. Right-click on the video layer in the Layers panel and select “Convert to Smart Object”.

Convert to smart object option in Photoshop.

Step 3. Using Timeline Panel

The Timeline panel is where you’ll do most of your editing. If it’s not visible, go to “Window” > “Timeline” to open it. The timeline shows your video’s frames and allows you to control playback.

Step 4. Editing Video on Timeline

Step 4.1. Trimming the Video

To trim your video, move the playhead to your desired start or end point, then drag the end of the clip towards the playhead.

The timeline panel in Photoshop.

Step 4.2. Splitting the Video Clip

To split a clip, position the playhead where you want to split, then click on the scissors icon in the Timeline panel.

A video editing software interface with clips playing in the preview window.

Step 5. Adding Transitions

Transitions can be added between clips. Click on the square icon between clips in the Timeline panel, then choose your desired transition from the menu. Drag and drop the effect between the two clips

A video editing program, and the mouse pointer is on a pop-up window to select different functions.

Step 6. Adding Text and Graphics to Video

To add text, select the Text tool from the Tools panel, click where you want to add text on the video, and start typing. Move the text layer above the Video Group. you can make it longer or shorter by clicking and holding either side of the layer and stretch it.

A man working on a laptop with text that says text and graphic elements, all shown on the monitor.

For graphics, go to “File” > “Place Embedded”, select your image file, and click “Place”.

Adobe Photoshop software, highlighting its user interface and functionality with the help of text labels pointing out various tools and settings.

Step 7. Applying Filters and Adjustments to Video

Filters and adjustments can be applied via Adjustment layers. Remember, these will affect the entire video if applied directly to the video layer.

Adobe Photoshop application, showing an open project with a mock-up of a workspace scene on the canvas.

Step 8. Adding Audio to Video

To add audio, go to the Timeline panel’s menu, select “Add Audio”, and choose your audio file. The audio will appear as a separate track in the timeline.

A video editing software, specifically showing an audio clip being edited on a timeline.

Step 9. Rendering and Exporting the Edited Video

Once you’re happy with your edits, go to “File” > “Export” > “Render Video”. Choose your desired settings, then click “Render” to create your final video.

Adobe Photoshop software, with various panels open and active.