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15 Best Shots From Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020

Dora Jokkel
Last updated: March 13, 2024 - 5 min read
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Given their unpredictable nature, taking funny animal pictures seems almost impossible to master.
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is an annual photography contest. It raises awareness about the environment and features funny animal photos.
This year’s entries were both hilarious and delightful. Here are our favourites.

1. The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Make Me Smile!

This lovely photograph was taken by Arthur Telle, who is a professional underwater photographer. He lives in the Canary Islands, in Spain. Underwater photography is a combination of two of his passions: diving and nature.
His photograph is titled ‘Smiley’ and was among the finalists in the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020.

Funny photo of a smiling fish from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Arthur Telle

2. If I Had to Describe 2020 in One Picture

Charlie Davidson captured this funny photo of a racoon stuck in a tree. Let’s be honest; it is a perfect summary of what 2020 felt like some days.
The photograph’s original title is ‘Almost time to get up’. It describes very well the feeling we get on Monday mornings.

Funny photo of a raccoon stuck in a tree from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Charlie Davidson

3. Your Jokes Are Hilarious

This photo of a laughing sea lion also ended up among the finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020.
Ken Crossan was the photographer, and he admitted that the seal was, in fact, yawning when he captured it.

Funny photo of a laughing seal from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Ken Crossan

4. When You Say You Aren’t Hungry

Krisztina Scheef captured this funny photo of two Atlantic puffins.
The puffin’s look on the right made her image get to the final round of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020. It looks as if it was saying “would you mind sharing, please?”.

Funny photo of two puffins from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Krisztina Scheef

5. Born to Be Wild

Sally Lloyd-Jones took this amazing photograph of a rebellious kingfisher. She was waiting for several minutes, hoping the bird would sit on the ‘No Fishing’ sign.
Not only did the bird sit on it, but it also brought a fish in its beak. Jones gave the photo the title ‘It’s a mocking bird’ because the bird seems to be mocking the person who erected the sign

Funny photo of a kingfisher sitting on a 'no fishing' sign from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Sally Lloyd-Jones

6. That’s Amore!

The Hungarian Roland Kranitz took the photo of a cute rodent that seems like it’s giving a serenade.
Roland titled the photo ‘O Sole Mio’ and ended up among the finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020.

Funny photo of a cute rodent from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Roland Kranitz

7. T.G.I.F

‘Thank God, It’s Friday!’ thought the sea lion and started to relax on the surface of the water. The photographer was Sue Hollis and titled the photograph as ‘Sun salutation class’.
If we look closer, this might be an actual yoga position.

Funny photo of a seal from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Sue Hollis

8. Don’t Give Me That Look!

Luis Burgue captured these elephant seals giving each other funny looks in Patagonia.

Funny photo of two elephant seals from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Luis Burgue

9. When You Try to Keep Up With the Squad but Your Hangover Kicks In

Christina Holfelder took this photo of gentoo penguins at sunrise at the Falkland Islands.
They were all going to the shore to go fishing when one of them stopped and started to vomit. We’ve all been there.

Funny photo of a vomiting penguin from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Christina Holfelder

10. Come Here; I’ll Tell You a Secret!

Manoj Shah captured this cute photo of a baby hippo whispering into his mother’s ear. The photograph was taken in the Masai Mara National Reserve, in Kenya.

Funny photo of a baby hippo whispering i his mothers ear from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Manoj Shah

11. Monday Feels

Tim Hearn took this photo of a baby elephant who was trying to keep up with his mom but tripped and fell over.
His mother came back and helped him stand up. Hearn titled the photo ‘Faceplant’.

Funny animal photo of a elephants from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Tim Hearn

12. Stop Talking!

When Petr Sochman took this photo, the rose-ringed parakeets were cleaning each other’s beak with their feet. But this moment looked like as if one of them was stopping the other from talking too much.

Funny photo of a chatting parakeets from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Petr Sochman

13. Not in Front of the Neighbors, Tom!

The photo by Megan Lorenz is one of the cheekier finalists in the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2020.
She captured two pig-tailed macaques during, well… monkey business.

Funny photo of monkeys from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Megan Lorenz

14. I Have Three Good Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Eat Me

Ayala Fishaimer captured the negotiations of a fox and a mouse in Israel.
We hope the latter one had good skills in convincing the fox to look for something else for dinner.

Funny photo of a fox and a mouse from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Ayala Fishaimer

15. Mother’s Day Picnic

Kunal Gupta took this cute photo of a baby elephant and its mother having fun at the Kaziranga National Park, in India.
It looks like the kid is giving his mom a bunch of flowers. In reality, the mother was teaching the calf how to eat hyacinth.

Funny photo of a mother and baby elephant from the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
Kunal Gupta


Funny animal pictures need perfect timing, a deep knowledge of photography, and patience.
These finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards were patient enough to wait for the right moment.
This is a great lesson for those who want to photograph the best and funniest sides of wildlife photography.